Final paper submission guidelines

The final paper submission is now open for all presenting authors. Please ensure that your paper is submitted via the Conference website by 17 March.

Format for Final Paper Submissions

Submission Requirement:
All authors are required to submit their final papers prior to the conference. Please read the
 authors instructions for final paper submission before uploading your final submission.

Review Comments:
Please check if you have received review comments from the panel reviewers or the panel review chair. Use these comments to improve your abstract and, consequently, your final paper.

Questions or Feedback:
If you have any questions about the review comments or need additional information about your abstract, contact the 
corresponding chair of your panel for feedback and clarification.

Submission Deadline:
Final papers must be uploaded to the ExOrdo platform by 17 March 2025.

  • All papers must be submitted electronically via the ExOrdo submission system. 
  • Papers not uploaded by the deadline may be excluded from the program at the discretion of the panel chairs.
  • Papers not uploaded by the deadline will not be considered for the IRSPM Christopher Pollitt Award.

Conference Registration:
As a presenting author, you must register for the conference by 17 March 2025.

  • Your presentation will only be included in the conference program after payment has been received.
  • Early registration is encouraged to help finalize the conference program on time.

Changes to Presenter Role:
You may re-order the authors list, exchange your presenter role with a co-author or add a new author to the abstract.

Presentation Schedule:

  • As a presenting author, you must be available to present your paper during your scheduled panel session.
  • The organizers will confirm the precise schedule for all presentations before the conference.
  • All presentations will be scheduled between 7 and 9 April 2025.

Conference Proceedings:
Note that there will be no conference proceedings published.

Presentation Files

Uploading Presentation Files:

  • You are encouraged to upload your presentation files and any supplementary materials before or during the conference for backup purposes.

Access to Files:
All presentation files uploaded to the ExOrdo system will automatically be available for viewing and downloading by all (paid) attendees to the IRSPM 2025 conference.

IRSPM Christopher Pollitt Prize for Best Conference Paper

To be considered for the Pollitt Best Conference Paper Prize:

  • Submit a fully written paper by 17 March 2025.
  • Present your paper during a panel session at the conference.

Nomination and Assessment:

  • Written papers are nominated by panel chairs and evaluated by a committee chaired by the conference host.
  • The prize is named in honor of the late Professor Christopher Pollitt, a globally renowned public management scholar.

Award Presentation:
The prize will be awarded during the conference