P30 Public Open Government Data – enabler or restriction for hybrid innovation and business
Corresponding chair
Hannele Väyrynen, Postdoc researcher, Tampere University. hannele.vayrynen@tuni.fi
Review group chair
Pasi Hellsten, Tampere University, University lecturer
The public sector is largely about service provision (De Vries et al. 2016, Higgins 2017). At the same time, the public sector faces pressures to reduce costs. Reducing resources, the citizens’ increasing expectations for more sophisticated services, and the public pressure to gain more outcomes from different operations form an equation that is very difficult to solve (Hellsten & Pekkola, 2020). Public sector is under pressure to produce improved public services efficiently, and public sector both wants and needs private sector to join in in building products and offering services in the society. Open innovation (OI) is seen one problem-oriented solution which in e-governance context has emerged as open government data (OGD) sharing. In the literature OGD is considered e.g. as public or the governmental entity that produces open data (OD) (Attard et al. 2015). Though the potential of the OGD is recognized, the link between data and innovation seems self-evident but ambiguous. Therefore, the question of the panel discussion and the contribution to the field of public management is: How public sector OGD can create and enhance hybrid innovations, business, and new value in knowledge management and OGD research field?
Public sector can have different roles to support industries and product or service producers, for example an operator or organizer of the public private partnership services, supporter and financer of the regional development, or policy formulator and regulator to create a framework for operations, or forward new innovations or ensure business continuity (e.g. Uusikartano et al. 2021). This in mind, the role of public sector in hybrid innovation and hybrid business needs further scrutiny.
The innovation actions are often focused on proving effectiveness of the public sector services (De Vries et al. 2016). More and more innovations are construed on data (e.g. Paavola et al. 2021). National governments globally emphasis for OGD for the external utilization (Reggi 2021). When data is utilized, also the data utilizers formulate networks that can be understood as a data ecosystem (Pollock, 2011). Scholars have represented the content of OGD and platforms from the infrastructure or policy approach, or OGD ecosystems promoting OI. Barriers or challenges of OGD utilization, around data platforms and data per se, and human-technology interaction in the innovation process are considered by the researchers while the drivers with OGD have got less attention.
Being technical the data ecosystem contains social aspect in it as well. A Data ecosystem is built on actors, roles, relationships, and resources aiming to exchange data, produce data together or consume the data (Oliveira et al. 2019). Essential is to understand the knowledge processing in organization (e.g. Choo 2002).
We invite participants to submit abstracts in the scientific field to accumulate knowledge of OGD and public sectors’ role in data and knowledge ecosystem with either, the theoretical papers or empirical studies. The issues can contribute to but is not limited to, for example:
- Open government data (OGD) and policy
- OGD strategy
- Data branding
- Access to open government data
- Actors in public private co-operation
- Data and interfaces
- OGD based innovations or business opportunities
- OGD enablers and restrictions for innovations
- Business and value creation.
The methods used in the panel are 15 minutes presentations with one opponent counter-argument (participants are a presenter and an opponent for each other). The track chair is a facilitator of the track and makes a conclusion of the session.
- Attard, J., Orlandi, F., Scerri, S. & Auer, S., 2015. A systematic review of open government data initiatives. Government Information Quarterly, 32(4), 399-418.
- Choo, C. W., 2002. Information Management for the Intelligent Organization: The Art of Scanning the Environment. 3. ed. Medford (N.J.): Information Today. Print.
- De Vries, H., Bekkers, V. & Tummers, L., 2016. Innovation in the public sector: a systematic review and future research agenda. Public Administration, 94(1), 146-166.
- Hellsten, P. & Pekkola, S., 2020. Impacts of Digitalization: Many Agendas on Different Levels. HICSS 2020: 1-10. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53). Kauai, USA. 07th – 10th January. pp. 2073-2082.
- Higgins, B., 2017. Reinventing human services: Community and family-centered practice. Routledge.
- S. Oliveira, M.I., Barros Lima, G.d.F. & Farias Lóscio, B., 2019. Investigations into Data Ecosystems: a systematic mapping study. Knowl Inf Syst, 61, 589–630. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-018-1323-6.
- Paavola, H. Seppänen, M. Eloranta, V., 2021 Datapohjaisen arvonluonnin strategiset vaihtoehdot. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, 128 p.
- Pollock, R., 2011. Building the (open) data ecosystem. In: Open knowledge foundation Blog 31. [Online] Available at: https:// blog.okfn.org/2011/03/31/building-the-open-data-ecosystem/. [Assessed 22.6.2023].
- Reggi, L. & Dawes, S., 2021. Open Government Data Ecosystems: Linking Transparency for Innovation with Transparency for Participation and Accountability. eGov2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9820, 74-86.
- Uusikartano, J., Väyrynen, H. & Aarikka-Stenroos, L., 2021. Public actors and their diverse roles in eco-industrial parks: A multiple-case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 10 p.