Annual General Meeting 2023 - Minutes



Monday 4th April 2023

12:00 – 13:00


Attendees: 50 IRSPM members (attendance list under request).  

The meeting was opened at 12.35 CEST.

1. Minutes of 2022 meeting

2. President’s items

The President presented the update on IRSPM strategy, based on the work developed by the working group on strategy, composed by the Andre Aquino, Maria Cucciniello, Christine Flynn, Mila Gasco, Ileana Steccolini, with the support of Olga Zvyagintseva, Sanja Korac and Peter Kruyen with specific reference to communication and engagement issues. Overall, the working group highlighted that IRSPM strategy rests on several dimensions and drivers of members’ value: a plurality of themes (embodied by panels and SIGs); its international scope, encompassing different geographical areas (as represented by its VPs); its focus on nurturing new generations (as evident in the importance of the NR panel); its potential for generating engagement with practice and publication opportunities. These dimensions may represent the focus of future strategic efforts and developments.

Along these lines, the President highlighted that the board has agreed that the work on strategy  will continue with a focus on exploring how to strengthen value for members, to support the VP roles in order to create value for different areas and reinforce the international essence of IRSPM, and to support the SIGs to empower and extend their activities.

3. Announcement of election results

The Election Secretary summarized the year’s election process, which facilitated by a Nomination Committee, composed of the following 4 members: Adina Dudau; Jenny Lewis; Wouter Vandenabeele; Mariafrancesca Sicilia (chair as Elections Secretary).

The elections called members for 14 positions (VP Australia/NZ; VP North America; VP Western Europe; VP Asia; VP Africa; Secretary; Election Secretary; Treasurer; Conference Manager; New researcher coordinator; Responsible for membership development; PMR board link; Two at lager members). Eight of the current members covering the above mentioned positions were eligible for another term: while six of them confirmed their availability to serve in their role for another term (Eva Thomann as VP Western Europe; Lihua Yang as VP Asia; Greg Davids as VP Africa; Peter Kruyen as Membership development Manager; Adina Dudau as PMR board link, Helen Sullivan as at large member),  Mariafrancesca (election secretary) and André (secretary) decided to step down. Thus, the vacant positions were VP Australia/NZ; VP North America; Secretary; Election Secretary; Treasurer; Conference Manager; New researcher coordinator; One at lager member.

For the vacant positions of VP Australia/NZ, VP North America and Secretary, one nomination for each of them was received and, thus the newly appointed members are:

Annette Quayle – VP Australia/New Zealand

Rosemary O’Leary – VP North America

Deborah Agostino – Secretary

For the vacant positions of New Research Coordinator and one at large member, more than one nomination was received, and thus a ballot was organized. The newly elected members for these positions are:

Barbara Zyzak - New researchers coordinator

Elke Loeffler – At large member

For the vacant positions of Conference Manager, Treasurer and Election Secretary no nominations were submitted.  The board approved to co-opt Kristina Weissmueller as  an interim Treasurer, and Lode De Waele as an interim Conference Manager. As reported later in this report, the duties of the Election Secretary in the future will fall under the responsibility of the Secretary.

4. Amendments to the Constitution

The Secretary and Election secretary presented an Amendment to the Constitution. The proposal was to merge the positions of Secretary and Election secretary into one; and to replace one at-large member by a member dedicated to Special Interest Groups, creating a new dedicated role of “Special Interest Groups coordinator”.

The proposal was unanimously approved.

5. Conference Manager’s report

Joris Voets, the Conference manager, presented his report, highlighting that, after the cancellation of 2020, Tampere colleagues agreed to organize the 2024 conference in Finland. For 2025 there is an open opportunity in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, to be confirmed with local organizers. For 2026 the new conference organizer will have to start a process for identifying a possible institution where to organize the conference. He highlighted the positive numbers (34 panels, 705 abstracts submitted, 643 abstracts accepted, 526 registered participants) of the 2023 Conference in Budapest. Finally, fee waivers granted were 28 globally (out of 70 applications).

5. Treasurer’s report

Wouter Vandenabeele, the Treasurer, presented the financial reports for the 2022 closing year. The 2022 results absorbed some of the 2021 deficit. The Projections for 2023 are close to break even. This suggests IRSPM has surfed the Covid-19 crisis and in the meantime invested in modernizing the Society and giving back some of the surplus back the community. The Budget for 2024 suggests the need to keep a tight distinction between conference and Society budgets.

7. AOB

Sanja Korac, the Communications Secretary, presented the new internet facilities of the IRSPM website and how it can help SIGs and the community to publicize workshops, and other events to the network, enhancing the co-development of our community.