P29 Emerging Technologies and the Transformation of the Public Sector

Corresponding Chair

Dr. Evrim Tan – KU Leuven, evrim.tan@kuleuven.be 

Review Group Chairs

Prof. Dr. Sorin Dan – University of Vaasa.

Dr. A. Paula Rodriguez Müller- Joint Research Centre – European Commission


Prof. Dr.  Khuram Shahzad – University of Vaasa

Dr. Luca Tangi- Joint Research Centre – European Commission


As emerging technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, the metaverse and immersive technologies continue to reshape the roles, capacities, and skills within public administration, it becomes crucial to rethink traditional governance structures and adapt to the changing landscape. This panel recognizes that digital transformation impacts not only public administrations but also the political, market, and societal spheres of public governance. These technologies also bring forth multidimensional challenges and raise new questions concerning automation, decentralization, and dehumanization of public services, among others. Such issues not only invoke administrative, financial, and managerial considerations but also raise ethical and moral challenges in finding the right balance between technology adoption and societal well-being.

This panel aims to examine the influence of AI, blockchain and, more broadly, emerging technologies on the dynamics of public management and governance and their implications for effective and responsible digital governance practices, taking into account also the hybrid governance models that are now in place. The changing role of emerging technologies in government functions, service delivery, public value(s) creation, human resources, and governance is at the forefront of this exploration.

By discussing the governance of emerging technologies with topics like digital identities, personal data, trustworthiness and ethics, capacity and organizational changes, design choices, and the interplay between centralized and decentralized solutions, this panel aims to equip scholars and professionals in public management with the knowledge and insights necessary to prepare themselves and public sector organizations for the digital future.

The panel is open to a diverse range of research methods to examine the multifaceted aspects of the impact of emerging technologies in public governance. We are looking for empirical studies, case analyses, comparative research, and policy evaluations to gain insights into the implementation, impact, and challenges of emerging technologies in public administration.

Moreover, the panel encourages dialogue and knowledge exchange among scholars and professionals through interactive discussions. By bringing together researchers and practitioners, the panel aims to facilitate the exchange of insights, experiences, and innovative ideas that contribute to the advancement of the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of new digital governance (Tan & Crompvoets, 2022; Dunleavy & Margetts, 2023).

The panel will be composed of standard panel presentations with respondents. Each paper will be assigned a discussant among participants in addition to the comments of the chairs.


Dunleavy, P, and H. Margetts (2023). Data science, artificial intelligence and the third wave of digital era governance. Public Policy and Administration.

Tan, E. and J. Crompvoets (2022). Chapter 1: A new era of Digital governance. In E.Tan and J. Crompvoets (eds.) The New Digital Era Governance: How new digital technologies are shaping public governance? Wageningen Academic Publishers.