P34 Open panel

Panel & Corresponding chair

Prof. Gregory Davids, University Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa

Email: gjdavids@uwc.ac.za


Prof. György Hajnal, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.

Email: gyorgy.hajnal@uni-corvinus.hu 


The theme of the 2023 Annual Conference of IRSPM is „United or divided? Public value(s), Management and Governance in turbulent times”. Whereas the panels and Special Interest Groups offer a very broad coverage of topics relevant to the conference theme, a number of prospective authors might feel they are too narrow or do not cover important and relevant topics.

The Open Track welcomes papers exploring those aspects of public management and governance that are not covered by any of the accepted panels.

The proposals should consist of a short (max. 500 words) outline of the proposed paper, and the authors’ contact details on a separate page.

The outline should, in particular, outline 

  • the purpose of the paper, 
  • the intended contribution, and
  • the method / approach of the paper.

In order to improve the academic value of the panel for both papergivers and particpants, accepted papers will be organized into thematic panel sessions.

Any queries about submissions should be directed to the Panel Chairs.

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