P20 Sport Policy as an Instrument of Social Value Creation: Civic Engagement and Inclusion
Corresponding chair
- Hiroko KUDO, Faculty of Law, Chuo University, Japan. Email: hirokokd@tamacc.chuo-u.ac.jp
Review group chairs
- Co-Chair (and contact person): Gianluca ANTONUCCI, DEA, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy. Email: gianluca.antonucci@unich.it
- Co-Chair (and contact person): Gabriele PALOZZI, Department Management & Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. Email: palozzi@economia.uniroma2.it
- Co-Chair: Joyce LIDDLE, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK. Email: joyce.liddle@northumbria.ac.uk
- Co-Chair: Andrea GARLATTI, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Udine, Italy. Email: andrea.garlatti@uniud.it
In times of unexpected shocks and extreme conditions crises, Sport could be considered as a lever for public management to support citizens’ relationships and their quality of life.
Toward the engagement and interaction between citizens and governments, public agencies ought to be proactive in sustaining community growth by encouraging sports activities to foster people wellbeing and social diversities integration.
Accordingly, this panel would like to intercept every aspect of public management and policies which use both professional and grassroots sport activities as strategy for creating public value and safer/stronger communities by boosting youngsters’ education, elderly healthy living, social inclusion, community identities and urban regeneration.
Expected Abstracts
The panel seeks both theoretical and empirical contributions that tackle the issue of the public management of sport.
Recommended topics for Abstracts include, but are not limited to, the followings:
- Social and/or economic outcomes of public sector involvement in sport.
- How sport can add “public and social value”?
- How sport can be linked to other policy fields in order to create more sustainable communities and community well-being/healthy living.
- Sport and the resolution of social and community issues and equality and inclusion through sport.
- Active ageing through the support of sport and physical activities.
- All aspects of the governance of sport.
- Public expenditure on Sport in spending review times
- Public and Private partnership in infrastructural investment on Sport facilities for grassroots and professional sports
- Models of Governance and Ownership of Professional Sport Clubs
- Sport initiatives as support of urban regeneration projects
- Sport as lever for reducing gender gap
The panel format refers to standard in-person presentations (about 10 min), followed by session discussions (about 5 min)