Scientific Committee


Ileana Steccolini, University of Bologna (Italy) & University of Essex (United Kingdom)


Tony Bovaird, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Taco Brandsen, Radboud University (The Netherlands)

Mila Gascó-Hernandez, State University of New York (United States)

Bert George, City University of Hong Kong (China)

Tat Kei Alfred Ho, City University of Hong Kong (China)

Erik Hans Klijn, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Jenny Lewis, University of Melbourne (Australia)

Bruce McDonald, North Carolina State University (United States)

Emanuele Padovani, University of Bologna (Italy)

Norma Ricucci, Rutgers University, Newark (United States)

Thomas Schillemans, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

MariaFrancesca Sicilia, University of Bergamo (Italy)

Jessica Sowa, University of Delaware (United States)

Gregg Van Ryzin, Rutgers University (United States)