Connecting public management researchers, policy and practice
The International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) develops and supports research about public management and public policy implementation amongst the international research community. It aims to facilitate the creation and dissemination of new knowledge and understanding across this community and into policy and practice.
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Our Special Interest Groups

Accounting & accountability
We advance knowledge, empower researchers and engage with practitioners to address issues and puzzles of accounting and accountability in public services

Complexity & Network governance
Two dominant perspectives in public administration and public management research

Design-led approaches
The application of design to policy ideation, department workflow and public feedback

Governing & Managing hybridity
Joining researchers from traditionally separate areas of study to have an open debate on governing

Healthcare management
Fostering international debate on the role of management technologies and logics in healthcare paradigm shifts

Public sector human resources
Providing a collaborative platform for researchers to develop their research, expert knowledge, co-authorship networks, and grant applications

Local governance
Supporting the development of an international, worldwide network of researchers in the area of local governance

New researchers
The international network for future academic leaders in the field of public management for doctoral students and young academics

Practice panel
Connecting Public Management researchers and practitioners for improved outcomes

Public service motivation
A leading forum for junior and senior scholars researching questions about motivations in the public sector and beyond

Civil society and community self-organizations
Advancing knowledge about their role in public participation and public service (co-) production in the New Public Governance Area

Agile and digital transformation of the public sector
We create and enhance a community of scholars and practitioners interested in the digital and agile transformation of public organizations

Ethics, Anti-corruption and Integrity Management in the Public Sector
The Integrity SIG at IRSPM focuses on promoting ethics and fighting corruption in public management, aiming to foster a culture of transparency and accountability worldwide

Behavioural & Experimental Public Management
We are a community of scholars developing and implementing behavioural and experimental approaches to public management research and practice

Strategizing and Entrepreneurship for the Common Good

Subscribe to PMR and other journals in the field
Public Management Review is the adopted journal of IRSPM. It is an internationally renowned journal of public management edited by Professor Stephen P Osborne and supported by a very active editorial board. It has a worldwide focus, encourages cross-national and comparative research articles, and promotes inter-disciplinary work.
Thanks to an agreement with Routledge, IRSPM members are able to subscribe to PMR for a heavily discounted rate which includes access to current and early view articles, as well as the full archive of past editions of the journal. Members can also choose to subscribe to PMR as part of a package of public management journals.

Become a member
Membership of IRSPM means belonging to an international network of researchers in the areas of public management and public policy implementation.
IRSPM provides a platform and support for multi-disciplinary and inter disciplinary research, and has 10 active Special Interest Groups, including one for Early Career Researchers.
Other membership benefits include discounted rates for our conferences, and the option to subscribe to PMR for a great rate.