
Full-time Academic Position in Public Administration


The School of Government at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile invites applications for a full-time academic position for scholars specializing in public administration. The School of Government at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is an interdisciplinary academic unit formed by the Schools of Economics and Administration, Social Sciences, Law, History, Geography and Political Science, and Engineering. The School was established with the commitment to address public issues and the governance of increasingly complex societies that Chile and the world face, requiring innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. Currently, the School comprises twenty faculty members who support the Master's program in Public Policy and the Public Administration undergraduate program, which offers a Bachelor's degree and the Professional Title of Public Administrator. Applicants with a PhD in public administration, government, public policy, public law, or related areas, who conduct research and teaching on relevant issues in public sector management are encouraged to apply. Applications from those close to completing their doctorate will also be accepted. Academic requirements are regulated by the norms established in the “Regulation of the Academic” of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Complementary Norms of the School of Government. Generally, it is expected that an academic will teach undergraduate and graduate courses on general topics related to their area of interest and specialized courses (the regular teaching load is three courses per year) and be able to supervise graduate theses or final graduation activities. Additionally, they are expected to develop their own research line with funding from competitive grants, and maintain a continuous pace of high-quality academic publications. Previous teaching experience, proactivity, leadership, skills for working in interdisciplinary teams, and previous collaborative work will be valued, considering the academic career stage of each applicant. Availability: To join during the first or second semester of 2025. Application Documents: • Complete Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications. • Attach the publication considered most relevant for the application, reflecting the work done in the area of the call, or a central chapter or article from the doctoral thesis (job market paper) for those finishing or recently completed their doctorate. • A cover letter including a brief history of their research and teaching trajectory, highlighting their interests and contributions in the area of the call. Additionally, justify the interest in joining Universidad Católica and indicate what particular contributions are expected to be made to the UC community, considering their areas of development and mission (maximum 2 letter-sized pages). The vision and mission of UC can be consulted here: • A brief teaching and research proposal to be developed over the coming years, justifying how it fits with the interests and objectives of the School of Government, especially the Public Administration program ( (maximum 2 letter-sized pages). • Copy of the Doctoral degree certificate, or, for those in the final stages, a letter from the current program certifying the completion of the requirements for obtaining the Doctoral degree. • Two confidential letters of recommendation explicitly referring to the academic trajectory and potential of the candidate. These must be addressed to the Incorporation Committee of the School of Government, providing the contact details of those who will write the letters in the same application form. • Copy of teaching evaluations, if applicable. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ranks among the top three in the QS Ranking of Latin American universities. It is committed to equal opportunities, building an inclusive, diverse, and fraternal community, and promoting the academic development of both women and men. In this context, we especially encourage applications from women. A foreign national without permanent residency in the country or applying from abroad, if selected for the position, will need to manage their visa in their country of origin to join the academic staff of the University. If you have additional questions regarding the call, please direct them to All documents must be sent before October 15th, 2024, through this form:

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Job Title Full-time Academic Position in Public Administration
Institution School of Government, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Location Santiago, Chile
Published 29 August 2024
Deadline 15 October 2024
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